interactive storytelling
[what i know] [proof] [what i do]
→ (2018) -- desktop / mobile
→ this one is an experimental short on the moments leading up to a kiss
→ Rock Paper Shotgun: experience the weirdness of kissing without doing any kissing
→ Kotaku: A Game That Captures The Magic And Anxiety Of Finally Kissing Your Crush
→ IGN Brasil: é um game sobre primeiros beijos
→ a partial list of things for which i am grateful (2019) -- link
→ concept piece i made that is very embarrassing, but maybe a good snapshot of what I was thinking about at the time. might update one day
→ bookmoss (2017) -- video talk
→ written during a fellowship at Harvard’s Houghton Library. a story about books that suck you into the story. haven’t been able to find the lost story files yet, but will keep poking around.